How do we accept donations? We are currently working on our donation payment gateway. Physical donations are currently being done in person at our office.

How do we secure a donor’s personal information? We appreciate the assistance contributed by our donors. Therefore, their privacy concerns regarding the security of their private data are of paramount importance. The donor data is not presented or shared with any external firms. Please make a note of our privacy policy for more details.

What are the tax benefits I’m entitled to while donating? Will CHF INDIA FOUNDATION present me with the necessary receipt for claiming tax benefits? All donations made to CHF INDIA FOUNDATION are eligible for tax exemption under Section 80 G. Tax receipts are provided to all our donors, regardless of the amount of contribution, via email.

What are the main sources of CHF INDIA FOUNDATION funding? We receive funding from individuals, corporates and institutions.

How do we choose our projects? We accept projects based on our strategic programming framework, which provides direction on subjects where we work, with whom and for what result.

Can I donate in kind to CHF INDIA FOUNDATION? We do not accept donations in kind due to logistical issues.

How to volunteer for CHF India Foundation? We undertake our groundwork by meticulously hiring various kinds of professionals in the field of education, health & nutrition, urban & rural planning, IT experts. Please email us on info@chfindiafoundation.org